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What Do You Do With Babies That Continually Cries

Crying is your baby's main means of communication. As she can't talk, it's the only way she can let you know that she needs something. It could be a feed, a nappy change, or just a cuddle. Understanding your baby's cues and seeing to her needs will help to comfort her.

Some babies tend to cry more between three weeks and 16 weeks of age, peaking at around two months. This is often called colic, persistent crying, or the period of PURPLE Crying®. It tends to come in bursts, so just when you think your baby is comforted, she starts crying again!

The first thing you can do is simply to ask your baby what the matter is. The sound of your comforting voice may help her to calm down.

Check whether she's in pain, hungry, or needs a nappy change. She may want to be held and rocked, or she may want to play. Your baby will probably have different cries depending on what's bothering her. Over time, you'll learn to recognise what each of those cries means.

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Watch what your baby does when she starts to cry. Does she suck her hands or fingers? Does she turn to look at something, or change her position? She's trying to use strategies to soothe herself, and may need your help to carry them out.

There are several things you can try that may help to soothe your colicky baby:

  • Some babies like a lot of movement. Hold your baby facing you, then gently and rhythmically sway her up and down in front of you.
  • Other babies prefer to be left in a safe place to calm down and maybe fall asleep. Try laying your baby in her cot, with your hand resting on her tummy. Talk to her in a soothing, reassuring voice to help her settle.
  • Some babies find comfort in sucking. If your baby isn't due a feed, help your baby to move her hands or fingers to her mouth or offer her a dummy. If you're breastfeeding, wait until your milk supply is established and your baby is gaining weight well, before introducing a dummy.
  • Try soothing her with a bath, or a gentle massage.
  • Swaddling may help, as it can remind your baby of being held in your womb. Read more about the dos and don'ts of swaddling safely.

Try one or two things at a time, rather than everything at once. Some babies become over-stimulated and even more upset when their parents try lots of different things to end the crying!

With colic, you'll probably find that some things work some of the time, but nothing works all of the time. Try to remember that this phase will pass. Colic usually eases off when your baby's between three and four months old.

It's hard work living with a constantly crying baby and it can take its toll on you and your partner. It's important to look after yourselves and give each other a break every now and again so that you share the load.

If you find yourself becoming frustrated with your baby, lay her down gently in her cot and go into another room for five minutes. Take some time to breathe, or have a good cry. Remind yourself of how much your baby relies on you, before returning to her.

Read more on ways to cope with a crying baby.

Joanne Lewsley

Joanne Lewsley is a freelance copywriter and editor, and specialises in creating evidence-based parenting, health and lifestyle web content.


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